1990년 캐나다 태생으로 12살의 어린 나이에 낸 데뷔 앨범 <Sweet is the Melody>에 수록된 곡입니다. 8살 때 석탄 광부들의 집회에서 그들을 격려하는 노래를 불러 뜨거운 감동을 일으킨 것이 전국적인 이슈가 되어 세상에 그 모습이 널리 알려진 소녀, 11살에 소니 클래시컬과 전세계 음반 발매 계약을 맺고 엘리자베스 2세 여왕 앞에서 노래를 부르며 전세계 언론의 주목을 받은 행운아 Aselin Debison.

The last that ever she saw him,
Carried away by a moonlight shadow.
He passed on worried and warning,
Carried away by a moonlight shadow.
Lost in a riddle that Saturday night,
Far away on the other side.
He was caught in the middle of a desperate fight
And she couldn’t find how to push through.
The trees that whisper in the evening,
Carried away by a moonlight shadow.
Sing a song of sorrow and grieving,
Carried away by a moonlight shadow.
All she saw was a silhouette of a gun,
Far away on the other side.
He was shot six times by a man on the run
And she couldn’t find how to push through.
I stay, I pray
See you in heaven far away.
I stay, I pray
See you in heaven one day.
Four a.m. in the morning,
Carried away by a moonlight shadow.
I watched your vision forming,
Carried away by a moonlight shadow.
Stars roll slowly in a silvery night,
Far away on the other side.
Will you come to terms with me this night,
And she couldn’t find how to push through