
영화《보헤미안 랩소디》OST 중 "Queen - Bohemian Rhapsody"

想像 2018. 11. 29. 17:21

최근 영화 <보헤미안 랩소디(Bohemian Rhapsody)> 열풍을 타고 퀸에 대한 리스너들의 사랑이 뜨겁다. 실제 팝차트 '올킬'은 물론 종합 차트에서도 내로라하는 음원 강자들을 꺾고 퀸의 음악이 최상위권에 진입했다. 영화 속 감동의 불길이 음악으로 제대로 옮겨붙은 모양새다.


영화 <보헤미안 랩소디>는 소외된 아웃사이더에서 록밴드 퀸의 전설이 되기까지의 프레디 머큐리를 그려내고 있다. 특히 그의 고뇌와 방황, 밴드 멤버들과의 갈등 등 섬세한 내면 묘사가 명곡들과 어우러지며 잠시 안식하고 있던 퀸과 프레디 머큐리의 음악에 생기를 불어넣었다. 진성성이 담긴 스토리가 퀸의 음악을 만나 감동의 시너지를 완성하여 영화의 흥행을 만들어낸 셈이다.


영화 <보헤미안 랩소디> 열풍과 함께 동명의 'Bohemian Rhapsody' 노래는 물론 영화에 등장했던 퀸의 'I Was Born To Love You', 'Don't Stop Me Now', 'We Are The Champions', 'We Will Rock You', 'Love of My Life' 등 34곡의 명곡들도 각종 음원 차트상위권 포진하며 퀸의 위용을 드러냈다. OST 앨범을 향한 사랑 역시 뜨겁다.




Is this the real life?

Is this just fantasy?

Caught in a landslide

No escape from reality

Open your eyes

Look up to the skies and see

I'm just a poor boy, I need no sympathy

Because I'm easy come, easy go

A little high, little low

Anyway the wind blows,

doesn't really matter to me, to me


Mama, just killed a man

Put a gun against his head

Pulled my trigger, now he's dead

Mama, life had just begun

But now I've gone and thrown it all away

Mama, ooo

Didn't mean to make you cry

If I'm not back again this time tomorrow

Carry on, carry on,

as if nothing really matters

Too late, my time has come

Sends shivers down my spine

Bodys aching all the time

Goodbye everybody I've got to go

Gotta leave you all behind

and face the truth

Mama, ooo (anyway the wind blows)

I don't want to die

I sometimes wish

I'd never been born at all

I see a little silhouetto of a man

Scaramouch, scaramouch

will you do the fandango

Thunderbolt and lightning

very very frightening me

Gallileo, Gallileo,

Gallileo, Gallileo,

Gallileo Figaro - magnifico

But I'm just a poor boy

and nobody loves me

He's just a poor boy from a poor family

Spare him his life from this monstrosity

Easy come easy go will you let me go

Bismillah! No we will not let you go 

let him go

Bismillah! We will not let you go 

let him go

Bismillah! We will not let you go

let me go

Will not let you go let me go (never)

Never let you go let me go

Never let me go ooo

No, no, no, no, no, no, no

Oh mama mia, mama mia,

mama mia let me go

Beelzebub has a devil put aside for me

For me

For me

So you think you can stone me

and spit in my eye

So you think you can love me

and leave me to die

Oh baby, can't do this to me baby

Just gotta get out just gotta

get right outta here

Ooh yeah, ooh yeah

Nothing really matters

Anyone can see

Nothing really matters

nothing really matters to me

Anyway the wind blows